Years (slang).
A sweet alternative are "primaveras" (springs) :D
"Parece más jóven y tiene por lo menos 55 tacos"
"Mañana cumplo 40 tacos"
"Hoy cumple 5 primaveras"
NOTA: "tacos" also stands for "swearing words".
"Por favor, no digas tacos delante de los niños".
"¿Por qué siempre tienes que hablar diciendo tacos?".
"Digo muchos tacos hablando".
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Datos personales

- Isabel Quesada
- I am a secondary teacher of English in Southern Spain. I studied MFL in Jaén and I got a DPSI certificate in Law in England. I started my teaching career in Newcastle back in 2000, where I lived for 3 years. Once I returned home, I taught in a public school and got ready to sit the "oposiciones" exam, which I passed!!! Currently, I am teaching in Spain, which has become my definite residence in since 2004.
also tacos (or palabrotas) is used to refer to bad words